
About Me:

Miss Geigley has had private voice lessons, eight years of piano lessons, eighteen years of piano-playing experience, and many years of musical and dramatic experience through classes at Faith Builders, CLP's Conferences, Liberty University, Seton Hill University, Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute, MACSA/ACSI Conventions, and Fun Music Company; solo vocal performances; piano recitals; choral tours; and dramatic performances and musicals.  Miss Geigley is also an Orff-Schulwerk Level 1 Music Educator.  She has directed the Rubies Girls' Camp Choir for eight years, and The Daughters of Zion Girls' Choir for four years, served as Music Educator and Choral Director at a local school for over four years, and taught private voice and piano lessons to over sixty+ students over the past four years.  She has also worked as an ESL, Music, and Social Rules Educator at the summer camp for students of China.  Miss Geigley has graduated with her BS in Interdisciplinary Studies of Fine Arts, English, and Education from Liberty University.  She is currently completing her MA in Elementary Education and MA in Music Education.    

She is excited to offer piano and voice lessons to interested students in order to help them enjoy the world of music and explore their musical potential.